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有机结合 英文,从而英文


⊙﹏⊙ 3) rational combination 有机结合例句>> 4) organic integration 有机结合1. This text, on the basis of analyzing to Shakespeare and his works “Hamlet", describe有机结合5个回答Organic combination of 2013-05-23 12:21:38 回答:匿名Organic 2013-05-23 12:23:18 回答:匿名Organic synthesis 2013-05-23 12:24:58 回答:匿名Combinatio

[translate] a我心里的那个他In my heart that he[translate] acreatlon document creatlon文件[translate] ayaryag yaryag[translate] a有机结合Organic synthesis[transl有机结合,二者互为补充Organically combined, the two are complementary to each other

再论“有机结合”。我认为“有机结合”可以认为是“Organic Solidarity”的发展,后者源于涂尔干的《社会翻译金山快译histo-compatibility 翻译组织相容性以上结果来自机器翻译。试试人工翻译专家金山快译释义

中文有机结合英语翻译Organic combination涉及到:CET4单词(2), #考研单词(2), #IELTS单词(2), #TOEFL单词(2), #TEM4单词(1), #TEM8单词(2), #GMAT单词(1),有机结合,organic combination 1)organic combination有机结合1.An Elementary Introducation of the Organic Combination Between Community Sports and Community Spiritu

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