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他们起得早是为了赶上早班车更多:https://bmcx/ 翻译结果(英语)1: They get up early in order to catch the early bus更多:https://bmcx/ 翻译结果(英语)2:To catch the early bus .We have to get up early tomorrow morning.亲,给好评呗!

a因为昨天雨下得很大,我爸爸开车送我上学正在翻译,请等待[translate] a他躺在床上听音乐昨天He lay down on the bed listens to music yesterday[translate] a我们起得1 中国的“收据”英文翻译是receipt。2 中国的“费用清单”英文翻译是invoice或bill。3 中国的“发票”英文中是没有对应词的。所以把“发票”翻译成invoice

我是英语老师,帮帮你。He got up earlier this morning so that he could catch the early bus.=He got up earlier this morning in order to/so as to catch thea为了赶上早班车,他起得很早In order to catch up with the morning shift vehicle, he very early[translate]

【把下列句子翻译成英语】1.尽可能快来吧,电影马上就要开演了。as…as possible) 2.他什么都没说就走出了房间。without) 3.店员仔细地帮这位老人把食品包好了。wrap up) 4.为您的注册完成。请登录继续[translate] a今天早上我起床早为了我能赶上早班车This morning I get out of bed in order to I can catch up with the morning shift vehicle e

╯0╰ 结果一题目“如果你早点起床的话,你就会赶上早班车”用虚拟语气翻译成英语,要怎么翻译?答案If you get up earlier in the morning, you should have caught the early bu考研英语按照题型可以分为:完型、阅读、新题型、翻译和作文。除了阅读部分,暑期阶段可以搞搞考研英语的完

版权免责声明 1、本文标题:《你就会赶上早班车了英文翻译,为了赶早班车我起了个大早》
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