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【把下列句子翻译成英语】1.尽可能快来吧,电影马上就要开演了。as…as possible) 2.他什么都没说就走出了房间。without) 3.店员仔细地帮这位老人把食品包好了。wrap up) 4.为不用担心,今天我们来学习一些有关赶上早班车的英语。1. 'I need to catch the early bus.'(我需要赶早班车。这是说出你要赶早班车的基本表达方式。2. 'What time does the

To catch the early bus .We have to get up early tomorrow morning.亲,给好评呗!不久我们将会让你知道详情,以便你们能够做出安排。2.目的状语从句可以用动词不定式(in order to do/so as to do/to do)来替换。1)我不得不快点,以便能赶

a他躺在床上听音乐昨天He lay down on the bed listens to music yesterday[translate] a我们起得早为了能赶上早班车We get up in order to can catch up with the morning小编导语:近年全国中考英语词语辨析试题精选是小编为你准备的近年全国中考英语词语辨析试题精选。中考的脚步越来越近,同学们在这个时候可以参看历年真题,最后

题目我起得很早足能够赶上早班车译英语2种答案I got up early enough to catch the early bus. I rose so early as to be in time for the early bus. 相关推荐1 我起精英家教网>初中英语>题目详情8.今天早晨我们起得很早,以便能赶上早班车。We got up early this morning___ ___ we could catch the early bus. 试题答案在线课程8. so t

相关英语短语我早起是为了能赶上早班车I got up early so that I could catch the early bus 我早起是为了能够赶上早班车I got up early so that I could 18.He got up earlyso that he couldcatch the early bus.他起得早以便他能赶上早班车. so that sb can/ could do ===in order to do 以便某人能做so that s

版权免责声明 1、本文标题:《我们也许能赶上早班车英语,桶英语》
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